Heart and Healing

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Hi everyone. I am so excited to introduce myself to you all not just as a therapist but more importantly as a regular everyday human being. Yes, therapists have lots of letters behind their names, and don't get me wrong we worked hard to earn those. However, I don't ever want to lose sight of the fact that when it comes down to it, we are all just people. People who have our own challenges and wins, strengths and areas needing growth, scars, pride points and everything in between. Being a human is messy and beautiful at the same time. Self-disclosure as a therapist is often a highly debated topic, how much and when is it appropriate to share about our personal lives with our clients? Some of our Code of Ethics address this specifically. I for one tend to lean into more self-disclosure than less, so here goes!

Currently I am in the more messy stage of life, quite literally! Raising two amazing human beings alongside my husband and two boys who are messy and dirty and loud and full of energy. But oh my goodness as much as I loathe the amount of laundry and vacuuming (after a 120 lbs pup too) do I love those boys more than I ever knew was possible. If we aren't at the baseball field, where I relish in cheering as loud as possible (to the great disdain of my boys) you could find us at sporting events, rodeo's, in our cul-de-sac with our neighbors who we consider family or just out and about exploring Charlotte. While the days are long sometimes through balancing my professional hats and personal ones, the years have quite literally flown by and they have been so beautiful, even in the messy.

My journey to becoming a therapist wasn't without its challenges. If a therapist were to ask me how I would describe my childhood, I would tell you I remember feeling loved, cared for and valued in my family of origin. My mother especially, was the Girl Scout Troop leader, youth group volunteer, team mom…etc all while working a full time job. She's my hero in so many ways. My parents were married for close to 20 years. However, while I was in college they shared that they were getting a divorce. This was one of life's messy but beautiful turning points. It was through this experience I became passionate about becoming a therapist as my career. Making space for hurt, confusion and pain lead me to growth, change and opportunities. I can't say I would have landed in this field had my parents’ divorce not been a part of my story, but I wouldn't change it.

There are some many more messy places, dark places. Miscarrying our first child, losing my dad to ALS at the age of 65, feeling overwhelmed running a business and being a young mom, but also just as many beautiful ones. Marrying my best friend who is my number one supporter, giving birth to our two beautiful boys, parenting with my husband in watching our two boys grow, becoming a Perinatal Mental Health specialist as a result of my personal experiences, deepening relationships with friends, growing this practice, and making memories with so many friends and loved ones along the way. These have all shaped who I am not only as a wife, sister, mother and friend but I bring them all with me to the therapy room as a human being. Yes I have letters behind my name, copious amounts of education and training, but I believe more importantly I have a shared experience of simply being human in this messy but beautiful life.

Thanks for letting me share a piece of my heart with you.

Ashleigh Bryan